Four Seasons In One Day – suffix y text


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Four Seasons In One Day is a fun, light-hearted digital passage using words with the suffix y. The suffix y alters words to form descriptive words, for example, wind to windy, cloud to cloudy, and smell to smelly. This text is suitable for learners who need access to a short engaging story using higher-level vocabulary with sounds and spelling patterns already learned. There are suffixes used, for example, ‘ing’. and ‘ed’ Silent e words and words from most syllable types have been used.

This text uses irregular words and some words which may need support. The theme of this story revolves around a day out and the different types of weather you can encounter from wind, to rain, to the hot sun. 

This text can be used as a writing prompt:

Summarise with GIST or Time and Sequence. Think about a day when the weather interrupted plans and write based on the Who, What, When, Where, and Why sentence expansion prompt. Use transition words such as for example, especially, and however to expand ideas.

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